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how to clean phone speaker – Guide to Phone Speaker Cleaner

 Cleaning the phone’s speaker is a sensitive task because cleaning it with physical assets like a toothbrush, alcohol, and other things can damage it easily in seconds. Here is the complete guide about How to clean phone speaker.

Why do you need to clean the speaker?

As we use our phones daily, they get dirtier when used outside of the home or office. There is a lot of dust in the air, and your speaker will get dust into it while using the phone in a public place or outside. This kind of dust will slow down your speaker’s volume, and it can also make its life low. So we all should do a weekly cleaning of our speakers to make the volume constantly high and increase the life of the phone’s speaker. 

How to clean phone speaker: 

Here is the complete guide about how to clean your speaker safely and securely. We can clean our speaker with two methods, both of which are good according to their usage. 

Using Traditional Methods:

We can clean our speaker with physical, daily-life instruments like toothbrushes and others. 

Phone case cleaning:

According to the research and our experience, a phone case has more bacteria than a toilet seat because we use our phones all day and night, even if we don’t clean our hands sometimes. So our phone cases can contain mostly dust, which can slowly get into your speaker. Making your phone case clean daily at night will decrease the chances of dust getting into the phone’s speaker and also increase the phone’s life.

phone cover cleaning

Using the rubbing alcohol:

As rubbing alcohol contains some acid that can have a good impact on the dust outside the speaker, we can clean the speaker on a daily or weekly basis with this alcohol, which will improve its life. 

rubbing alcohol to clean phone

Cleaning your charging port daily:

Whenever we charge our phone, we insert the charging cable inside the charging port, which can attract dust. We should clean out the charging port with a simple toothbrush and rubbing alcohol. This will increase the chances of making our speaker and charging port safe and long-lived.

clean charging port

how to remove dust from phone speaker?

We can use our toothbrush to clean the speaker. The toothbrush has simple vertical lines that can go into the speaker holes and clean out all the dust inside of them. This method is a little bit risky because it can also damage your speaker hardware, so use this method safely with precautions. 

clean phone speaker

Using the sound to clean the speaker: 

Instead of using all these traditional methods, we can use a sound with higher frequencies and vibrations that can make our speaker clean easily by playing the sound on our phone. 

This sound works on the sound frequencies, so when we play it, it starts with the low frequencies and then moves to the higher ones. The increment of frequencies and vibration will make the dust particles come out of the speaker, and hence, the speaker will be cleaned easily. 

Here is the complete guide and sound available: Fix my speaker

fix my speaker sound

When to clean speaker?

You can clean the speaker with both of these methods, traditional or with sound. As all of us don’t have much time to clean the speaker, it is a good habit to clean out the speaker every week because this will not waste our time and will clean out the speaker every week, so the speaker’s life increases as well as the volume. 


In this article, we have learned about all the speaker how to clean phone speaker android. We have learned about two methods: the traditional, which requires physical things and time to clean the speaker’s dust, and the second, which involves the use of higher-frequency sound that will make the speaker vibrate and clean all the dust available in the speaker. 


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